Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How do I explain this to my son?

My son is 15 years old going into 16 in a few days. He has recently started asking me questions about "what is love?" and "Why do we have to follow rules?". I tried to explain to him that love is a feeling that you care not only for someone else but for yourself and your family members; and that rules are important to have security in our life. He also has confusions about religion, since I am a non-believer we don't go to church. He thinks that if God really exists, etc. etc. I may sound cold, but I think religion just complicates life. Life is already complicated enough to be thinking about how we should follow religion beliefs. I tend to not impose any beliefs in him. I believe when he is old enough he will follow his own beliefs such as religion, and love. Am I a bad parent for teaching him this way. I guide him with advices and lots of care. Right now he has a girlfriend, and he started asking all these questions. I explain to him that in life people have different ways of living it. They believe in different things. There is no right or wrong way to live life as long as it makes you happy. Am I confusing him more, since he started asking all these questions. I mean, I don't want him to not believe in anything, but I want him to be conscious that everyone chooses their own path. I have two more little ones and I don't want them confused later on in life. Is it important to have a religion?

I feel really guilty about what i did?

Woah. This guy called you a slut? Honey, you are NOT a slut. I don't care who called you a slut, you aren't. I can see what you are going through because last summer I was in the saaaaame situation. It's almost scary how similar it is. Anyway, the best thing you can do right now is recognize how you feel and plan steps to keep this from occuring again until you can do what you want to do without feeling this way. Just take it one step at a time. If you like this guy, tell him and tell him that is why u can't keep doing this. It seems like he has some feelings for you too, unless he's the one who called u a slut, then I'd just say eff him. But, if yoo like him hun, you should go for it. Atleast try. And if he says no, don't keep giving up your body to someone who won't respect it.

Am I good enough for a better board?

If you want to get a bit more tricky with your surfing which it sounds like you do, I'd recommend a 6'2 thruster. Get one with some volume, not too thin, that will help with paddling and will have more strength. Have fun

Any good all-in-one laser printers for Mac?

I am looking for a good all-in-one laser printer. It would help if it was a low price. It has to scan, preferably photocopy, and of course, print. Help appreciated.

About a documentary called America the stoy of us, but not sure, Obama?

It was a series on the History Channel Chronically American History with a focus on every day people...which came to heightened controversy because of said focus.

Help with improving my resume?

I want to make my resumes seem kinda special for each company i send them to. I want to avoid having it look like a boring copy which makes it obvious that i photocopied it and sent it to so many other places. does anyone have any tips or ideas, or suggestions for making each resume a bit more focused to the company its being sent to?

Why did I get a letter saying I needed more identification for my passport application?

This is not terribly unusual. sometimes another person with the same name and birth date already has a passport , so they need more info to identify you. sometimes someone has stolen your social security number and gotten a passport...identity they need to know who is rally YOU. Another reason is that you used a driver's permit not a license. Any time someone uses a permit or a license that is less than 6 months old, they ask for more info. This is due to the problems they have of people using stolen or false I.D.'s

Shounen ai anime recommendation?

Since I tend to get good answers here I figured I would pose a very specific question to you all. Recently i've been watching "Kyo Kara Moah" and I really like the cute relationship between Yuri and Wolfram. So I was wondering is there any other anime with a cute nonsexual relationship but ecchi between 2 younger boys? Thanks for reading and that goes double for posting.

"A woman gangraped in a moving car in Delhi"--What about the rule of DEVIL imposed on us?

Boss What you say may be partly true. But if you search as "Gulf sex videos or Saudi arabia sex" you will find lots of porns. If you want to see the change, then "child marriage along with parent permission without allowing the girl to get pregnant" may be the best.When you restrict people more, they get more anxiety to do it.

I had applied for science reporters monthly issue in march this year but till now i haven't got any response.?

i also sent DD with it of Rs.200.i also tried to contact them but there was not any response.then i tried to remind them by sending them reminder along with the photocopy of DD & form of subscription in may but still no response.i am very worried .tell me what to do?

Christians where do you find the fine line between legalism and freedom to do what you want?

So some Christians think once saved always saved. There are a lot of scriptures that support you can be a believer and even be filled with the Holy Spirit and still choose to walk away. And that you cannot intentionally live a life of sin if you want to follow Christ. And then there are those who are so legalistic and impose rules on themselves and other people that even Jesus wouldn't have and the Word says we cannot boast of earning our do we find the balance and walk the narrow path? Any scriptures would be great! :)

Selling a car, question about V5?

Yes, you could do that. You could also write up some sort of dated receipt signed by both parties to confirm that the vehicle has changed owner as well. Just type out something and leave the spaces for the date, amount and name of buyer blank so you can fill it in at the time. Also make two copies one for you, one for the buyer.

Are hard boiled eggs truly a good source of protein?

I need more protein in my diet, so my auntie recommended I eat 3 hard boiled eggs for breakfast each morning. I'm having a really hard time. The smell is so offneisve and the eggs tend to give me some.."wind"...if you will. She says they're a really good source of protein, but I have to wonder if there's an alternative?

Can I photocopy my checking account deposit slips?

I have one more deposit slip left in my checkbook, but many checks left. I'm not reordering checks while I still have plenty. Is it acceptable to make a photocopy of my personalized deposit slip?

Do you pray to Leonardo Da Vinci?

Saw that picture of 'Thank God I'm an atheist' which is the same one, supposedly of a white Jesus, my mother used to get me to pray to as a child. Did you know that Leonardo Da Vinci was a talented artist and also scientist who was an atheist also? He thought it would be a great laugh if he created an image of himself and copied it using chemicals we now use in photocopying, onto a cloth, then said it was an image of Jesus on a shroud. Then everyone would pray to his face as though he were Jesus! When you think about it, what colour would Jesus' skin have been, coming from Israel anyway - not quite as pale as that Jesus painting maybe? Also should we pray to Jesus anyway or just to his father - Matthew 6:9 and psalm 83:18?

Ladies, I am not musically talented, have no trade skills, and don't have a nice car. So....?

I really don't care about that, I will admit I go by looks slightly, but I really care about their personality, and just how good of a person they are.

Would you date me? Description inside!?

Honey, you're just my type. I love a petite gal who's slim, trim and cute. My former love was just your height but a little bit heavier.(not fat). Has blue eyes that change with the clothes she wore.

Got a ticket for an expired registration because my tags weren't current, but my registration is current?

You really should have waited for the ticket. The only way to clear it was to go to court with the proof of registration, and without the ticket you had no way of doing that. You are several steps behind the legal process now and will have to appear before the magistrate and jump through the hoops.

Acne around my mouth, and nowhere else?

I tend to get pimples around my mouth and chin, but have always had clear skin everywhere else. They're never actually on my lips or in my mouth, but on the surrounding skin, and stay for a week or more. Should I be concerned? Is it possible that it could be an STD?

Liberals: How many of you would fight for American sovereignty if a global government was imposed?

Or would you gladly cede American sovereignty to a world government, because it is obviously the best course of action for the human race?

How can I ask my mom to see a therapist?

I have pretty bad self esteem issues, an eating disorder, and what seems to be on and off depression. I have a pretty close relationship with my mom, but I never really tell her my feelings. I don't have a very sentimental family so I tend to keep my feelings to myself. She has no idea about my eating disorder or depression because I'm also pretty good at hiding it. Any advice? thank you in advance.

Why can't I make many good friends?

Ok so I have never really had a best friend in my life I've always had a lot of "friends" people who I know and would say hi to if I saw them but never anyone who I was really close with. I've always moved around growing up I went to 13 different schools up until high school (I went to the same high school for 4 years) but I never had the same people in classes I always took classes that were a few years ahead so I was always in classes with seniors who already had a group of friends but would eventually become sorta close with them just to see them leave at the end of the year. So far after 1 year of college I'm sorta in the same situation where I'm really ahead compared to people my age like all my classes are junior or senior level classes so I'm always the only freshman and I tend to know a lot of people but never get the chance to get close with someone because they always leave before we get close. I really do try to be friends with freshman and I seem to be friends with them but not great friends like I never get invited to things they do directly its always through someone else mentioning something going on. I always been told I'm very easy to get along with through high school I never had a problem with a single person and was always very involved I played football in hs but I figured thing would change in college but IDK what to do to make a good friend?

Piece of paper put through letterbox by 'Yodel' Delivery company?

sounds like it could be a scam - if they ever try to deliver when you are there - read anything very carefully before signing it and if you are not expecting anything, i would NOT sign it and try to get the sender's name and address and call them and find out what they are trying to send you

Error message on Dell printer?

Has anyone had a problem with a Dell all in one printer 922? Although I have replaced both cartridges, Black & colour, I am still getting a message "Error- Right cartridge incorrect". I cannot photocopy anything, even in black & white. Can anyone help, please? Thanks.

I think I'm a transparant introvert borderline?

There is absolutely nobody on the internet who can or will diagnose you - if they do, they are certainly not to be trusted. Please see your doctor who can help you. Yahoo Answers is not the place to seek diagnosis and to do so is dangerous.

Why is my mom so uncaring?

I know that I am suffering from a condition and I want a doctor to check me up and she keeps insisting that I'm fine and all... Although it was inferred in her words... I tend to feel hazy whenevr I stand from the bed suddenly and she somehow denies or intentionally pretends to not hear this.... Help what should I do?

Why is Theodore Roosevelt admired by so many conservatives?

I liked his saying that he coined for US defense policy: "Talk softly and carry a big stick."

Many nations still use the ''infant industry argument'' to impose tariffs ,is this justified in this day &age?

Developing nations have 10 years of holiday before the GATT's rule will be applied. But the countries in the regional blocks such as ASEAN will have less chance, because it will turn to be an investment block with zero tariff rate soon.

Can I use a photocopy of my password as ID, when claiming my lottery prize?

Yes, photocopies of IDs are just as good as real IDs, typically. It's best, actually, just to leave all of your documents in a safe while you carry photocopies around in your billfold.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Why are humans so selfish and violent?

i my self am from a planet called Tarquisha, look and breath the same as you humans, but tend to have a much more peaceful, planet/world strong unity. regardless of our marks ( your race ) we learn to live and care for each other. We basically are 1 nation without a thought of violence, greed, power in our minds as we live to learn for our future generation. You humans control each other with fear. lies, corruption and no remorse what so ever. I personally think that even if this planets people even did manage to open their eyes, it would cause more harm then good. We will continue to watch over you all as you WILL be the end of your self's. You cannot be saved, im sorry.

Gtx 560 ti Overheating way to fast?

I went out and bought a GTX 560 ti graphics card. installed it into my computer. its been roughly 3-4 months now and i havnt had ANY problems with it. ( Minus the headache of getting it installed at first) And now for absolutely no reason it tends to overheat in a matter of minutes or even seconds. games i used to be able to run for HOURS like Battleforge, Team fortress 2, Black prophecy now all crash my card within a matter of 1-2 minutes. i havnt changed a single thing. i keep the room temp down. i have the case off the side of my computer. iv already took the card out and throughly cleaned it. i put my hand on the bottom of it. ran tf2 within a minute it was super super warm. both of the fans on the top of it are working. they have plenty of space between them and the psu. a good 2-3 inches more than enough. but none of this seems to work. iv tried using google to find out an answer but i cant seem to find any. so here i am on yahoo answers >.< Any help would be appreciated

Boyfriend help please! ASAP?

me and my boyfriend have been dating for 6 months now. im 16 and he is 17. we tend to fight alot and have broken up like 4 times but get back together in like 2 days. we love each other alot and he used to love me a little to much that it was annoying. then once summer came around it turned around. now i love him more then he loves me and it seems like he dosnt care as much about me. when i am alone with him i feel the love but on text or with friends alone i dont feel it. recently we have been in a huge fight because he went to a club and grinded with another girl. this was the first time he ever did something like this. he admitted it to me the next day.i was very unhappy and we began to fight. then he continued to lie to me that night and he went to this other club that he promised me he wouldnt go to because bad things happen their. we have been arguing for the past few days and one second he is all apologetic and nice and the next second hes rude and tells me to leave him alone and that im overreacting. i love him dearly and cant break up with him because i know ill beg for him back in 2 days. WHAT SHOULD I DO!?

Are there some people who will never accept Bible proof, even after asking?

I find it foolish that people question the very existence of Christ's life, though martyrs in His own 1st century sacrificed their lives for His truths- many of them had known Him personally and James was His brother. So we offer them proof via Tacticus and the Roman Jewish historian, Josephus, of the 1st century. Yet there is not enough logic or evidence to overcome their stubborn ignorance and denial. I recently wrote about the Book of Isaiah, evidenced back to 100 BC discovered in Qumran Dead Sea scrolls, merely as a response to a foolish assertion that all books of prophecy were written after the fact. To this, even in the face of evidence, their foolish denial knows no bounds. One writer responded that anything could be made out of them and that they were partial and hardly legible. However, photocopies of the entire Qumran Isaiah (Greater Q) can be found all over the Internet and have been examined by many scholars. This goes to show that evidence doesn not really matter to their bias. There can never be enough proof for Bible haters.

Do boys tend to lean back when repulsed by a girl?

Not to be mean or anything but when this guy is talking to me he leans in but when talking to my friend he tends to lean away. Does this mean anyhing? (btw she has an almost obsessive crush on him, can he sense it and that's why he's leaning away? Idk what to think.)

Are liberals Glad that Gov Brown made Amazon end a deal with 25,000 online websites?

Yes, liberals are clueless. Amazon is going to remove any presence in California and probably challenge the law in court. Just another company to flee California, more to come.

Girls: Quick poll......?

Ok so my last question was deleted, harshly I believe and I have appealed to yahoo, I think perhaps I used a 'naughty' word. But anyway I wanted to know if women are the same as men in respect to preferring someone they were strongly attracted to being a virgin rather than having lots of previous partners. The results seemed to show that you would prefer not only they were a virgin rather than sleeping around lots, but also you would prefer if they were a virgin over just having a few previous partners. This surprises me, I always thought women preferred experienced guys and was one of the reasons they tend to go for older guys. I think it's kind of obvious why guys prefer it, but what I want to know is why would women prefer a guy who was a virgin over a guy who knew what he was doing?

How can i become a cherokee member when i am adopted?

You have already answered your question... YOU must prove your BIOLOGICAL ancestors are listed on the tribes base roll...For the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma that is the Dawes Roll... So YOU are going to have to do the genealogy work on your biological parents and their ancestors.. There's no way around that...

How do I stay in control of myself in this relationship?

dont freak out on her dude thats not cool even though i hear ya women can be so freaking difficult. but if i were you id sit her down and tell her everything bout whats goin on in your life. but be calm about it.

Why did Republicans vote against the States' Environmental Rights Amendment?

The environment effects more than just one state, it effects the nation as a whole. A state strapped for cash could plunder their national resources at the cost of destroying their state. Or, dam up a river which would effect other states. What would happen if Colorado dammed up their river at the boarder of Utah? Or, Virginia chopped down all their trees for lumber? There are some things that the country as a whole needs to be in unison.


I think he cant do anything with that, 95% internet users avoid these types of mails, but you should report it to your nearest police station, it will terminate any future risk and will make you safe, but, you must store a copy of that report for future issues, thanks and dont fear...:)

Making more photo copies at Staples than declared?

If you make lots of colour photocopies at Staples but only show some of sheets whcih the machine prints out and says how many you copied ' accidently putting one of the larger printout bills with your copies' would you get caught?

Has anyone applied to OCI Birmingham via post recently?

I wanted to know this because I am applying for OCI by sending application to Birmingham via post so I wanted to know whether I would have to send only photocopies of all proof related documents, such as passports and birth certificates, or if I had to send the actual documents?

How to get a single dorm in college?

Psychological issues: I have OCD which makes me reread, rewrite and repeat thoughts in my head, therefore noise and movements in the room tend to make it difficult for me to concentrate and heighten my anxiety, having me reread/rewrite/repeat thoughts in my head for a longer period of time. Due to OCD, I have a fear of germs, and must have the room cleaned up everyday. ... And I have frequent migraines, and during so, I need silence and darkness. Noise and light increases the pain. What do you think? The problem is that I didn't list the single dorm room as a priority because I had a fear of sleeping alone, and now I got a double room, but am dealing with my fear of sleeping alone. Would the university change my assignment?

Do u knows what's wrong?

I have been have a bunch of headaches and my knees tend to hurt and I also have been getting really dizzy. I am also about to turn 14 if that has anything to do with it. (:

Which printer is good? should include scanner, photocopy, fax and it should be less ink consumeble?

I am looking for a printer which includes also the functions and consuming less ink. Please prefer me a good one

Why haven't i got hired in Hollister?

Its been 3 days since the interview i really think I answered the questions the best and i was the only one wearing Hollister They said if we dont hear about them in a week then you didnt get the job but i know hollister tends to call you earlier than a week did i not get hired? btw there was 13 people in the interview

Will printing on red paper or with red ink prevent photocopying?

Red ink on white paper is very easily copied or scanned. Black ink on red paper is also quite readily photocopied or scanned if the right equipment / imaging software is used. I would not bother with such childish and petulant attempts at theft protection. A large number of busy professionals in all industries find ease of reading far preferable to anything else where submitted items are concerned, red paper with black ink is quite tiring to read so I would say that if you do this it will most probably not only look childish and petulant but will be thrown away as not worth the bother. Stick to clearly printed black ink on pale pastel coloured or white paper. If you are still worried that your amazing ideas are going to be stolen then I am afraid that copyrighting or having legal bods write up papers of authorship is the only further protection.

How to register an out of state vehicle in Washington State?

Go to any DMV office there & they will gladly help you by giving you forms & OFFICIAL facts.

Landlord took mail out of the mailbox!?

On April 3rd, on a Sunday evening as my wife and I were watching TV I saw a black SUV matching the landlord's pull up to our mailbox. By the time I went out they had left, and were at the top of the hill, but I was positive it was her truck, and our rent check that was in the mailbox was gone. A few days later she called my wife at her place of work and stated that she had not received the rent for the month of April, and swore she had not taken mail from the mailbox. The envelope contained a check for part of the rent, and a money order for the remainder. We called the bank and canceled the check, and I sent off for the money order to be traced and replaced if it was not cashed. I just received the trace results from Western Union, including a photocopy of the cashed money order, and the signature is clearly her signing her husband's name...the last signature of the last name is identical to the signature on our lease. Meanwhile, she has charged us a late fee of $85, and that plus the $150 money order, plus the $35 fee to cancel the check, plus the $15 fee for tracing the money order means $285 that this has cost us, plus the stress between my wife and I. Is what she did illegal, and if so how should I handle it? Should I get an attorney and go the claims route?

Why doesn't anyone have any respect for the Palestinians?

I agree with everything you said. The facts are on your side, no matter who wants to deny it or why.

Should i report this 10 points 4 best answer?

it won't hurt to tell the guidance counselor about this but they still probably won't do anything, but if you can get evidence of the half finished work and the score as apposed to someone else's score who did al of the work correctly. But this will probably get the teacher in trouble and not the kid, I'm thinking you'll want to take it out on the kid but telling somebody won't help get the kid in trouble, because they can't help it how the teacher grades an assignment.

Please I have a sleeping problem, and i want to change it?

I tend to sleep real late at night like at 6 A.M and not wake up until 3 P.M and it is really frustrating me. i want to be able to wake up in the morning and not miss half the day. I've tried for a week to try and change it but no success. is there a way i can change my bio clock to wait up in the morning (don't care what time in the morning) and sleep like around 10 or 11 P.M? Mature answers please. thank you:)

How can I get perfect/flawless skin?

check out this website She has really good natural face mask recipes. I have tried everyone and they all make my skin feel so soft and smooth. i have some acne scars and they are fading now because of one of her masks.

Can anybody translate a bit of this old letter for me?

I've been trying to translate this letter for years. It was written about 150 years ago by my great-grandfather and I have been wondering for years what it says. I do not understand a word of arabic. If someone can translate even one sentence of the document, it would be greatly appreciated. ( The picture is on my profile, under photos. There is only one photo, and by the way, it is a little fuzzy because I photocopied it). Thanks!

Dont blame Pakistan in so called war against terror!!!!!!!!!?

Yea, but your country did hang on to the coat-tails of the Americans and received Uncle Sam's dollars. You can't just blame the west. Sleep with the devil and you will beget his deadly spawns.

Any other shops that hollister,a&f, gilly hicks and superdry?

aeropostale and american eagle outfitters! just gotta luv 'em. 4 a more comfy and casual look u could go 2 old navy

What is best way appeal Ct. Cigarette Tax imposed on me. I am disabled and broke!! Thank you!?

Cigarettes are not a necessity you should have to pay just like everybody else. You can quit, others have.

What to do about my relationship? How can I stay in control of myself in this relationship?

i would tell her about how you know she has lied before and see what she does. if u denies it and says that never happens after you show her the proff and if u guys are arguing and get in a fight about that then i think u should end it because it would not be good for u guys at all. because being with someone who lies and then when u bring it up and denis it is not good.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Does the IRS ever send notices by email ?

NO! The IRS never sends emails. This is a phishing attempt. Please forward the email to so they can have the attention they so richly deserve.

What ID is acceptable in Spain?

I'm going to holiday in Spain and was wondering what form of ID I will be able to use to get into clubs/ buy alcohol etc. I have a student ID with my photo and a passport, but I don't really want to take my passport out. Is it worth getting a drivers license? Or can I just photocopy my passport?

How to get a lot of volume in your hair?

my hair tends to fall flat with whatever i try to do with it.. how do you keep it volumed? like arias hair in pretty little liars

How do you get over it when other people verbally or physically abuse you?

It sounds as if they are either sadistic and have some mental issues such as personality disorders to allow harm or humiliation to their grandchildren. The way to get over it is to understand what causes such things, and understand that they are living in their own sick world. People with borderline personality disorder, for example, are very destructive to the people whom they should be caring for the most. They are very creative at thinking up new ways of doing harm to others. As a result, they will end hurting themselves the very most because they are driving the people away who should be closest to them. I have such relatives and will never trust them again. That doesn't mean I carry a lot of anger around inside of me. Such anger would only rob me of my time, energy, and emotional well-being. I do set strong boundaries and don't let them come back within those boundaries after they've totally lost my trust. You'll do best to surround yourself with people who know how to love and who will respect you, and devote your energy to making your life a better one.

Is a nurse actually allowed to do this?

If what was in there had evidence of you wanting to harm either yourself or others then yes she can. But after that, it remains confidential between you and your psychiatrist

How does an ugly girl survive in this shallow materialistic society?

ugly guys have it easier for some reason, people tend to look more down on ugly girls, how do they survive? it must be pretty brutal to be a not so nice looking girl, especially with the high standards for girls to look perfect by both genders or they will be considered an outcast/reject. lm a guy by the way and treat them nicely but l dont like the way my friends treat them sometimes, how do some of them make it living through rejection and people looking down on them all the time?

Can i go back to the philippines? would there be a problem?

hi, since the canadian embassy is only requiring a photocopy of my passport, can i go back to the philippines while im waiting for my live in care giver work visa be granted. Im planning to lodge all the needed documents in the canadian embassy in london, but the problem is, my UK visa will be expiring so soon is it possible for me to go back home to phils and wait the result there? pls answer.

Why isn't NATO bombing or imposing crippling sanctions on the Saudi regime?

The bas*ar*s wont even let women drive. Yet their royal family is doing business with the likes of Bush. It was even left out of the "axis of evil". Even Iran is a progressive and much more democratic nation when compared to Saudi Arabia.

What all are needed to be submitted at the consulate?

I suggest you visit the US State Department web site for the most reliable information. Go to a href="" rel="nofollow" and follow the links to "visiting" or "visa".

What do I do if I live with people who are violent and bipolar when they cant get drugs?

Drugs is such a big part of there lives which highly imposes on everyones lives. There totally getto but say they are innocent. Meanwhile totally bipolar from physical dependence. I am just a guest in this house but I try to prevent drugs from ruling everyone. I would leave but some good people need me more than they know. If I leave, there will be noone decent left here. I am hated by everyone and my life has been just give give give and no thanks or respect.

Protection from Abuse question?

If she's only two hours away from the courthouse, she could just get a ride...If it's too much trouble for her to do that...she's not that into you, brah.

Why dont they need the original passport?

hi, im applying for a live in care giver in canada, why are they just requesting a photocopy of passport in the canadian embassy, if ever granted where do they put the work permit then? pls answer.

Can you photocopy deed polls?

Of course. To be legally admissible in place of the original you would need it to be a "certified copy". Basically this means that someone "official", such as a solicitor, signs it to confirm that they have seen the original and that the copy is an accurate reproduction.

Old syllabus for BA (PASS) 2001-2004 School Of Correspondence (University of Delhi)?

I would like to request anyone who could help me with a copy (photocopy) of the old syllabus for the BA (PASS) Course for the year 2001-2004 of the School Of Correspondence (University of Delhi). Thanks a lot in advance for the help.

Do you think the Zodiac is of God?

I'm also Christian, or at least I was raised it. My family is very Christian and since I moved out, I've been looking into other belief systems in order to strengthen my belief in God and decide if I am truly a Christian. However, I do not consider astrology to be any form of religion, more of a tool for self-discovery, and it is really helping me know who I am and is actually strengthening my beliefs in God. As long as you're not looking to it as a religion or worshiping it, I don't see a problem with looking towards astrology. I try to be very open-minded about other's beliefs and not to rule anything out because God would want me to be devoted to him and by questioning what else is out there, and still coming back a Christian, my beliefs in my church are stronger. I am young, this is my time to question my beliefs, but I am devoted. Me and you could be different types of Christians though, I mean I read the Bible and go to Church every Sunday, but for some reason, I still have friends and family who don't consider me Christian, when in reality, I think I am more Christian than them because I am giving other belief systems a real chance to impress me, and I'm still convinced that Christianity is the way. They refuse to acknowledge that other cultures have a reason for their beliefs. I have a real problem with the close-mindedness of some people who give Christians a bad name. Inform yourself about astrology and make your own decision of whether or not you believe it's ok. The Bible is open to interpretation and in my opinion, this is not against Jesus's teachings.

I'm in love with my best friend, Help?

Give him some space. I know crushes as an adolescent can be incredibly painful, and it may seem like all you can think about is him but I can assure you, bigger and better things will happen to you soon enough. If he realizes that you've distanced him and makes an effort to reconnect then you know you can drop subtle hints. Try not to take it too hard, love. If two people are meant to be together, eventually they'll find their way back.

How do you meet people to date?

U could meet ppl at school, like in class, on campus, U can also meet girls online there are lots of online dating sites, everybody is doing it now.

Can you understand this Piano sheet music as it has more beats than the time signiture ? (Part 2)?

The notes in the right hand are actually in different voices. So if you refer to the left hand, you'll notice that the eighth notes in the right hand come in on the second beat, meaning that you hold the half note in the right hand while playing the two eighth notes, and let go of both when you play the last quarter note (but don't let go of the tied note in the left hand). Hope this helps! :)

Whats the most efficient way to feed free range chickens?

I have a flock of chickens on my farm and they roam freely. I want to feed them in a way where feed won't be wasted, it seems wasteful to just spread feed over the ground. I've tried using home made bamboo feeders, but my chickens tend to peck at each other when at close distance, and only the biggest seem to get their fill this way. I just want to feed them all properly without wasting feed. would love suggestions.

Photocopy of birth certificate question?

Is it possible to get a certified PHOTOCOPY of my birth certificate? Like can I go to a court house with my birth cert and ask them to make a copy and get a notary of the public to stamp it saying it's an official photocopy of the real thing?

Do you think this teacher is an idiot?

You explain to your teacher and parents that you were doing work and the teacher freaked out, then move on with your life. It's not the end of the world.

How do get in control of myself in this relationship?

Hey! From a bro to a bro, I'm sorry! I know how hard this can be. I've had the same story happen to me for 3 years.. And now that it's over you have no idea how happy I am!! She might be very beautiful, but don't let her play with you.. Let her know that you have feeling, and that you want her to respect you as you respect her, and definitely confront her about her lies...

Is a dentist obligated to send me a copy of my x-rays?

I requested a copy of my x-rays original images from my dentist and he sent me a photocopy! A photocopy is useless if i want to make a formal complaint for the bad job he did. Don't I have the right to have a copy of those x-rays or do I have to accept a photocopy?

Landlord will not accept 60 day notice?

My landlord will not accept my 60 day notice to vacate because my wife's signature is photocopied because she no longer lives with me and cannot make it to the office to sign it in person. First question is, is this legal? My other question is that my lease is set to end on July 31 and I plan on giving them a notorized notice on June 2nd. Is this still considered within the 60 day notice period? if it helps any, I am located in the state of Ohio. Thank you in advance for any help.

I need to create an application that models a municipal court case tracking application in Java?

To me, it looks like a bucket of nuts and bolts. Having clear-cut duties is a passion of mine. Have a look at the link below. They used UML, which I hate, but I do design with a stack of postcard-sized index cards and put those out on a table in front of me.

Ihve recieved admit card with wrong fathers name what is the procedure for correction of father name?

i hve lost my photocopy of aieee filed form n ihve recieved admit card with wrong fathers name what is the procedure for correction of father name

Why are my enzymes twice as high as they should be? ?

I'm 18, I'm not really a alcohol drinker (Every once in while). But I do tend to get really bad spasms

Why are my teeth hurting?

I grind my teeth alot too... And my tEeth also started to hurt. So I went to the dentist and all I needed were new ceilings. (and yes the ceilings were for my back teeth)

Can I unlock an AMD Phenom II x 2 555be on a 95w motherboard and get full performance?

I have same board and same processor , the maximun Watts that this board can support is 95 Watts the processor with all 4 cores running will run max at 80 Watts, the processor model you can use max is 1065T Phenom II X 6 2.9 Ghz which runs max 95 Watts , anything above that you will need to change the board. you can overclock at 5% and still stable , above that you need to change the bios setting to run asymetric , so the memory and the front side bus run at steady speed below the processor speed so is untied therefore independent of the processor speed , also other devices will limit how much you can overclock in stable matter , is not much speed gain so I considered not worth it to oveclock due to the fact that will get hotter , reducing the lifespan of the processor and a system unstable, 3.2 Ghz 4 cores in Optimum configuration is good enough, besides if you try to do video editing , encode or decode video overclocking it will hang, so is like taking a medication for one issue but it gives you about 10 side efects, you may want to try using two same capasity hard drives to use Raid 0 Striping , that will give you some performance but not redundancy if a drive fails you loose everything , I use Raid 5 with 3 drives which gives performance and redundancy , if a drive fails , I just replace it and rebuilt the array and continue as it was it gives me performance and redundancy , well I hope I have help you with the info.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Is this a legitimate writing rule for my english teacher to impose on his students?

My English 2010 teacher has a lot of rules for us when it comes to writing. He will only give out good grades to a paper if it's done in a style that holds his attention. He has this arrogance that whatever writing style pleases him personally is the only correct way to write. This is fine for me since I don't care about becoming a great writer and I just want to know how to get a good grade. The other day though, he assigned us the task of writing a profile on someone. We're supposed to use anecdotes but we're not allowed to have an even number of anecdotes. To back up the legitimacy of this rule he told us that questionnaires always have an odd number of questions and this is just the way it's supposed to be done. I think he's a nut, is he?

Why are so many performers who spend so much time alone (concert pianists, for example) so crazy?

Do you have experience with this? How are they crazy? I've found that they tend to have manic-depression.

How to get a single dorm in college?

Psychological issues: I have OCD which makes me reread, rewrite and repeat thoughts in my head, therefore noise and movements in the room tend to make it difficult for me to concentrate and heighten my anxiety, having me reread/rewrite/repeat thoughts in my head for a longer period of time. Due to OCD, I have a fear of germs, and must have the room cleaned up everyday. ... And I have frequent migraines, and during so, I need silence and darkness. Noise and light increases the pain. What do you think? The problem is that I didn't list the single dorm room as a priority because I had a fear of sleeping alone, and now I got a double room, but am dealing with my fear of sleeping alone. Would the university change my assignment?

Oily African American acne prone skin care?

I have oily skin and I tend to get blackheads. Then I get the acne scars when its all over. I CAN NOT find a product that will work for me. Either I get very very dried out or it just cleans the first layer of skin but doesn't get down deep. What are some products i have try??

How often should I wash my hair when I work out every day?

My hair is natural curly and tends to dry out and get frizzy. I hear you shouldn't wash your hair every day because you dry out the natural oils for your hair. I work out every day, but I haven't been washing my hair, just getting a quick shower in. I may wash my hair 2 or 3 times a week at most. Should I be washing it every day after I work out since my scalp gets sweaty and the sweat gets in my hair or should I continue with 2 or 3 times a week with shampooing my hair?

Why does the U.S. want to impose capitalism on other countries?

So the business owners and capitalists here can go over to those countries and capitalize on them and make lots of money.

Why are girls so confusing I don't understand?

Girls like attention.. So when your giving it to them they know it's there. Its like they just want you wrapped around their finger. Once you lose interest they lose the attention. So to get it back they start trying with you. Give it sometime and don't pay too much attention to them. But once in a while smile at them or comment on them. They'll love it. You can't let them play you if you have them around your finger.

WHY weren't the Republicans equally condemned?

Name the dozen Republicans you are talking about. Ones which I remembered, they all resigned quickly instead of denying, and refusing to step down until forced to do so. Big difference.

Scam email supposedly from the IRS?

Just received this EXACT email in my spam folder. Some sad, desperate people out there. The horrible misspellings really give it away.

Is this really from the IRS?

Your only 13 so you should not receive these emails. I would tell your parents and have them call the IRS .DO NOT SEND THESE DOCUMENTS THEY REQUESTED. Print out the letter, make sure you get the web address just in case the police need to be notified and definately let your parents handle this matter as soon as possible. It could be an error on the IRS side.

Do you need to submit original or certified copies of birth certificate, divorce to USCIS for I-485?

If applying for adjustment or I-485, does an applicant need to submit the original birth certificate, original or certified divorce decree with the petition to USCIS? Or are photocopies of the said documents sufficient for purposes of filing the petition?

Why haven't countries been hit with ageism suits?

Teens have a LOT less rights than men. People got equal rights for blacks, women, and minorities, so why haven't teens been given more rights? Also, wouldn't the teens not having as many rights because of their age be considered ageism? Here in America, we don't even have our constitutional rights. We are not allowed Freedom of Speech, or Freedom of Religeon. We get in trouble for cussing at school, and oour parents choose our religeon. My parents even made me go to church. Isn't this imposing on our rights? Also, because of our age, we are not allowed to vote, drive, or drink (I am not talking about getting drunk. I am talking about having a beer with dinner), all because of how old we are. Why haven't the countries been sued for ageism? Please don't say it is because we are not mature enough. Adults are immature sometimes too, and there are immature people in EVERY crowd.

Is my sister too strong?

My sister who is 13, is extremely strong. She's "iron girl" on YouTube, watch her videos and you will see what I'm talking about. I'm 15, and she can take me down! She can lift about 200lbs. Her biceps are 13.5 inches. I'm pretty athletic, workout 2 times a week. We arm wrestled and she beat me with Her 1 hand against my 2! I tend to be childish sometimes, and when I fight I tend to put people on the ground on there bellies with there hands behind there back in walmart hand cuffs I triped her while fighting one time, so I sat on her and put her hands in the cuffs and she was so pissed she broke out of them got me off her back and hand me on the ground. I'm afraid one day she will hurt me.

When will Emperor Obama impose his imperialist ambitions on North Korea?

I heard that upon conquering Noth Korea, that he plans to create a Colloseum to which top NK officials will fight to the death against lions and rabid Haiti survivors.


In the application for the student finance (I am italian) there is written that I should bring a copy of a document and make sure that it signed by a officer, doctor, lawyer, pastor/priest,.. Which document should I bring ?? A photocopy of my id ?? Or a photocopy of my passport ?? And what should they do ?? Just sign it, or write a letter ?? Thanks.

Lump on the back of my neck under piercing?

I have 2 surface piercings on the back of my neck that I've had for 1 1/2 years. The one on the right side often gets pulled or snagged on things so it tends to get sore and red once in a while. It's been acting up for about a week and yesterday, I noticed a lump, about the size of a grape, about an inch below the piercing. It's very painful and my neck is extremely stiff. I went to the hospital today and my blood work was fine, but the doctor wants an ultrasound of my neck. He said he doesn't think it's the piercing because it doesn't look infected, but what could it be? I'm worried and won't get the ultrasound for another week.

Writing a letter authorizing use of credit card by another person?

I'm writing a letter to authorize the use of my credit card by my cat-sitter in case of kitty health emergencies during my absence. What's a good format to follow? What information is necessary - just credit card number, or a photocopy of the card, or what?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What's involved with an extended driving test? (UK question)?

The extended test is exactly the same as a normal test but longer. This longer test is to make sure you can keep up your concentration for a longer period without making and serious mistakes.

Would you say am depressed?

I feed sad every now and then. Sometimes i wish i didn't exist and i over-think situations and sometimes become sad... When in the public i tend to 'be' happy and joyful, but alone am quiet and so tried. I have trouble sleeping. I sleep late and wake up early and i try not to sleep again until 10pm but end up awake on my bed thinking about situations and other stuff. I usually stay awake till past 12am. i cry at things 'normal' people wouldn't and i don't cry when others do. (e.g someone pushed me onto a brick wall and i got a deep scar on my hand and a fat bruise on my knees - i just got teary and smiled) i dont know am usually so energetic when it comes to goin outside but when with my family or home am the opposite. i dont plan to kill myself or anything i appreciate life but i just question why i existed the first place.

Why doesn’t congress like Obamacare?

There seems to be a fundamental disconnect in the understanding of our political leaders (both sides) regarding budgets, deficits and debt.

Taking A year off? After school?

I don't think you should. People who take a "gap year" usually don't go back to college. I also think why should you waste a whole YEAR just to "experience and explore". Why does everyone forget what college is REALLY about? It's about getting your degree so you can survive in the world. Good luck regardless. :)

Do you tend to stereotype people by their hair color?

Say you see a brunette. Would you assume she/he is more serious and grounded? And a blonde more outgoing and party loving? What if you can tell someones hair is obviously dyed, do you think they'd be superficial? Just wondering. :D

Do teenagers eventually get less disrespectful - my youngest brother is too much stress for the family?

Your parents might have simply lost the perfect opportunity for the most effective smack some where a long the road... now they are pretty much screwed, because you don't start disciplining a child when he's already entering adulthood.

Conservatives, how are we at war with Libya and we don't have any troops on the ground?

There are no vital US national interests at stake in Libya. We have no business intervening in the air OR on the ground.

If global warming is real, why aren't countries doing anything about it?

So, you're arguing that idea that Earth's climate is increasing is false because countries are failing to either prevent it or ensure their ways-of-life. Well, I think that argument is bogus. People willing disregard all warning signs, even with things far more certain than global warming. Everything from speeding, smoking, drugs, you name it. The average person willingly ignores all signs and wisdom. Now, before you say, "But these are countries, not the average person." Let me point out that countries do the same, and there is a long history of that too. The economic collapse in 2007 or the 9/11 attacks had major warning signs that were ignored, but those events happened --- despite the obvious consequences to the US government.

JEE councelling problem?

I have qualified JEE this year. Documents should be sent to JEE zonal college. I don't have my 12th class pass certificate, but I have 12th class mark sheet. Does it make any difference if I don't send the photocopy of 12th class pass certificate. pls do ans.

Wanting to gain weight, but I also like running...any suggestions?

If you wanna gain weight and build muscle running will definitely not help you at all. I'm the same way, in my case to stay healthy I HAVE to gain weight pretty much and running was my favorite,I use to win every race in middle school and high school but I had to stop and never even run anymore,you seem like a pretty good weight to me, but I think if you cut down your schedule a little bit and in between have resting days where you drink protein shakes then your goal will be accomplished. Remember drinking a protein shake will add weight THEN working out will turn that weight into muscle!

Ford focus a good car?

Are Ford Focuses good cars. I dont know much about cars but one of my homies that does says they tend to always have some sort of problem. He also said Fords suck. Im not really into that whole brand fight but so far my expiriences with Ford have been good. i have a 97 ford taurus and its been in two bad accidents, i wasnt driving, and its still runnning great. So does anyone know if they are good or not? Oh by the way the one im looking at right now is an 02 with 113K on it.

My Albanian husband has a spouse visa. He has lost his passport with the visa in.?

He has had to leave the UK and return to Albania to obtain a new passport. He has a photocopy of his visa which is still valid, can he use the photocopy to return to the UK. What would happend once he got to immigration at the airport? He went to the embassy in Albania but they said he had to make a fresh visa application for another 2year visa, i dont understand how this can be right when his visa is still valid, cant he just be looked up on the system on arriving to the UK or will he be sent back?

Whats a good quality cheap printer to print and sell my images on,im looking to mainly print 8x10's and maybe?

I would recommend looking up toner and ink prices before I buy a printer if you are looking to keep costs low. Our website has a large selection of discount office products such as printers and printer supplies. If there is a specific item you would like that is not on our site, just let us know and we can order it for you at up to 50% off the regular price. Good luck finding a printer!

How to deal with a teacher that thinks you cheated?

This is my fault but I didn't realize he would do this. Instead of going right after class to discuss why I had lost points unnecessarily (his ta's grade them so they took off points when they weren't supposed to on my test.). The first thing he points out is that my answers look "erased" and he told me that he would check with the TA since she remembers everything and she takes photocopies blah blah. He was trying to threaten me and I said okay check with your TA because I didn't cheat and then says that "oh I don't think you cheat but that has happened before.". Um wtf? Contradicting himself?? Then, when class started he told everyone to write in pen and everyone was angry and he says, "Sorry that ONE student had to ruin it for all of you." He mean me and this is a MATH/STATS class where I need to erase on my quizzes. This is completely unfair/unjust. He falsely accuses me of cheating. I'm going to talk to him today to see if he did talk to the TA and if he thinks I cheated and gives me a 0 what can I do? No on trusts students, the board would probably agree with him since he has been teaching for a long time. So frustrating!

How can i detox and cleanse my body?

Eat alkalizing foods!! google which ones are alkalizing, if you don't know which ones are. and drink water with freshly squeezed lemons in them. youtube for green smoothie recipes for a very healthy drink!!

Unsure if i should check into a mental hospital?

oh sweetie, you have alot going on. at your can be difficult. i get that. just know that you are a person that is trying to get through this thing called life just like the rest of us. i have this thing i do...when i pull up to a 7-eleveen or convenience store, i wont go in if there is alot of people in there. i wait until people leave and there are only a few in there. i dont feel strange about it but unsure why i do that. anyway.......if you are hurting yourself, you need to stop it. if you cant, go see someone about that. wondering why your afraid to try college etc etc. maybe you have never be encouraged or afraid of failure. well, if you dont will never know. and if you fail, get up and try again. we all have to step out on faith and do what we gotta do in this world to succeed. people just dont talk about their insecurities. you can do this.......get on out there! PS...have you tried church yet? 8-) good luck!

What would happen if a dog ate snappers?

Well I ask this cause my fiances nieces and nephew got some of those snapper things you throw on the ground. They don't pay attention to what they leave where and the neighbors dog come over here all the time. He tends to eat things he shouldn't like once the kids let him have a wrapped piece of cheese. Well I just found un used snappers left out there luckily he hasn't came over today but I wondered what it would do to him if he ate them.

Is copying from a printer and photocopying with a copy machine the same thing in a way?

I ask this because my brother has just finished his first issue comic book, and the people he plans to send it to for publishing says no originals photocopies only. He colored the whole thing digitally and printed them out. can he copy the printed ones again using his printer that has scan copy print and all that?

Best lip plumper??? Which has NOTICEABLE results?

Huge Lips Skinny Hips is supposed to be really good! it does have an appetite suppressant in it though, but i doubt it really does much of anything.

Can I drive with a duplicate copy of my driving license?

What does Section 3 r/w 181 Motor vehicles act India say about driving with a color photocopy copy of my driving license ? Is this legal or illegal ?

I need serious help.. please read?

ok im going to be stright with you here because i've been in a sort of similar situation. GET OUT! leave the guy. im sorry hun but hes toxic. and to the extream. this guy plays mind games with you and wants you to think that his love is the only love you'll ever have. its not so. Im sure a beautiful person such as urself will find someone better than him. it sounds to me like he convinced you to have thoes abortions because he knew he wasn't ready to be a daddy but was sure ready for sex! thing is he was never going to take responsability and help you along the way. and when ur whole family found out he knew he was in hot water so he lied and made it seem like YOU were the evil mastermind insted of HIM. my best advice is to go aginst what ur family says and be your own person. go to college, get ur degree for teaching and be sure to tell your dad who you are and your not someone he can push around. just because ur a woman doesn't mean your beneith him. good luck dear, i know its hard but life is too....we all try the best we can.

Do you think there were just as many atheists back in Medieval times, it's just that they couldn't make it...?

...they couldn't make it super obvious that they were, otherwise they'd be burnt to death, or something? You tend to think people in the 1500s were a pretty pious lot, but I bet they weren't.

Signed Copy of Tax Return?

I need to send in a signed copy of my parents' tax return for financial aid verification processes. It was filed at H&R Block so we were given a photocopy. Can you just sign the photo copy and send it to the financial aid office? If not, what are you supposed to do?

Why do girls tend to go for the 'fake'plastic' look?

My girlfriend tends to wear a lot of make up, which is just ridiculous, wears extensions, eyelashes, gets her nails done regularly and does this pout with her lips whenever we go out, i mean theres no need. Shes a model but wastes a lot of money on stuff she doesn't need! I mean shes beautiful without all that slap and to be honest i dont like the stares shes gets from other men does my head in! so why do girls wear such amount of fakery when they clearly dont need it?

What do you do if you're surrounded by a group of clueless people or tend not to really care ?

Like friends and family. Would you join them and become careless and not stress out about things? I want to see what you guys would do.

Does the IRS send out emails?

This is spam!Do not answer this email!They are phishing for information!They will steal your identity!

Why does Rep. Allen West slam military diversity report?

because the military's job is to break things and kill people , not to kowtow to the radical gay agenda!!!

Israel has every right to impose a sea blockade on a Gaza port but Gaza is not occupied - Double think?

Gaza has a wall around it -- and Israeli troops keep a guard at check points in and out --and it has naval control over its ports -- but its not occupied ?

What was the drug in that was in the old photocopy machines?

You know, that one that made you want to sniff the copies your teacher handed out when you were in high school back in the 80s.

Does wal-mart accept photocopied coupons?

there are coupons online that i have printed out... their website says they accept black and white coupons. does this mean they accept photocopied coupons of home-printed coupons??

What if the world IS flat ?

Look at " Education" , "you must believe this because it is the truth", if people said the world is flat hundreds of years ago..... wouldn't " hundreds of years " be enough time to change that fact by imposing your views on to people ??? And what Evidence do we have that it is round ? pictures from NASA ? How did people know the world is round before space travel ?? what if the world is a never ending sheet of rock in "space" but humans are confined in one little segment ?? not allowed to interact because of our destructive ways ??

How do I get a copy of my birth certificate?

So, I was born in Montana but now I live in Wyoming. I need to get a Wyoming ID, and to do so I need to bring a certified copy of my birth certificate. But it says to get a copy of my Montana birth certificate I need to photocopy my ID! I don't have either of these things, obviously. How do I go about doing this?

Can i use a photo copy of my permit to get my license?

I live in Illinois and i misplaced my original permit. All i have is a photocopy. Would i be able to use my photo copy or do i have to get a new permit?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Other than by participation in representative democracy, how do Christians "impose" morality on others?

Don't Christians try to advance Christian morality in the same way that secularists and antichristians advance their alternative moral systems?

I'm afraid of getting haircuts?

u can do it yourself, but u might not do it perfectly the first time. another option is getting someone you trust with your hair to cut it for you. if that doesn't work then go to the barber shop and just demand that the person cuts it slowly, a little at a time so you can kinda tell them when that length is okay.

How can I gain more freedom as a 16 year old teen ?

I am a 16 year old girl (17 years next Feb). Tonight I am going to discuss with my mom about giving me more freedom. It's summer and i've barely been out. I've been stuck at home watching my sister. I would like to be able to go to the beach with my friends, or someones house. The only thing is, is that I only have a few girl-friends and they're either busy, don't have money, or on vacation. So the only people left are my guy friends (which I tend to have more of). But my parents don't let me go to a guys house and I can't afford to go to the movies or out to eat every time we hang out. I've never been to a party either and I'd like to experience it. I hate alcohol and drugs and I would never do that (and my parents know that) I feel that when I'm 18 that I am going to go wild and rebel and I don't want to do that. That's why I would like some freedom now. I want my parents to trust me, and that they have raised me well and I have a good head on my shoulders. I understand that they want to protect me and they don't trust other people but I still would like to go out. What are somethings I can ask for from my mom when I talk to her ? And what exactly is a curfew and what time should I be able to stay out? Sorry for it being so long but thanks so much ! <3

Do you think a club will accept a photocopy of my passport as ID?

Hey, i'm going to an over 18 club tomorrow for one of my best friends birthday, although i am 18, two days ago i lost my purse with ALL my ID in it. The only form of ID i've got is my passport however my mum doesn't think its a good idea to bring that out, so do you think if i photocopied it, they'd accept it?

Do I have the right to get a copy of my x-rays original images?

I requested copies of my x-rays original images from my dentist because i want to file a formal complaint with the Health Dept. about his bad performance; instead he sent me photocopies. I sent him a letter telling him I didn't want photocopies. A few days later, he sent me a letter telling me that if I wanted copies of the x-rays original images, I would have to pay the amount of $13.00. So, I complied with his request and sent hm a check for the $13 and he sent me another photocopy! I feel he does not want me to have those x-rays. He is hiding something. What should I do?

How do l control my "anger" when my assessor comes tomorrow?

l am doing an apprenticeship and so far l am doing extremely well! But the problem is my assessor. She's such a ***** and she pushes me to do things ALL THE TIME! l get things done in my own time and my way, but when she's there she constantly tells me what to do first, then she tells me to hurry up when l am trying to sign forms, and when l photocopy things she moans at me saying l shouldn't be doing too much as it 'wastes' time, but it's my job and that's what l am being asked to do! Last time l shouted at her in frustration because of it but l have one more warning left, how can l just tell her to back the hell off? :/

If the Crusades had been completely successful would there be a saint Mohammed now?

Early Christianity seems to have assimilated other religions by building its churches on old pagan religious sites and even renaming pagan saints such as Brigid to St Brigid in Ireland and Venus to St Venere in Sicily so that old religious practices were assimilated into the Roman Catholic tradition. Hence my question if the Crusades had succeeded in defeating Muslim nations would they have imposed Christianity on them and subsumed Islam into Christianity by making the Prophet Mohammed a Christian Saint.

I am travelling to dubai in a visit visa and the visa copy is in black and white paper?

As the tourist visa copy was given to me by the travel agent and he took printout from his mail box, so is it allowed to carry a photocopy of the visa or will the airport authorities stop me in the airport asking for the original copy?

External transfer fees at your banks?

These days, a lot of banks seem to charging fees when you electronically move your money from one banks to another bank. I need to do this so I can move my money to online banks where I can get more interest earnings. I use BBT checking account, and they keep saying they charge $3 per transfer, but I have not noticed this fee in the past at all. I think what they mean is if I used their transfer service then the fee will no doubt apply. However, if I use, let's say, ING direct's transfer service, can BBT charge $3 for this transfer done by ING direct? I don't think so, but BBT's customer service keeps repeating that when my money gets moved from BBT to another institution the fee applies which I don't think is the case. Does anyone have clarifying info related to this seemingly new fees imposed by banks?

Mole on My Breast?.. Answers?

ALWAYS go to the doctor if you're worried about something like that. even if it turns out to be nothing at least it will have stopped you worrying

Why do some people think shouting and screaming means they won the argument?

I do notice that poorly behaved indivudals tend to resort to this tactic, whether it'd be in gentle arguments or heated arguments.. they tend to scream, yell, and make unnecessary hand gestures. Is this.. something that feeds their delusion that they have indeed "won"? Versus the individual that can remain calm, and level-headed? Why do people like to shout and scream, I don't really think this gets the point across... Or people that use intimidation tactics in order to 'win'?

Is John McCain right saying Ronald Reagan would be disappointed in the 21st century GOP?

So if you want to actually END a damn war you are " isolationist " ? McCain needs to retire in silence ... Maybe he could oversee the illegals on the grounds crew at his wife's house ? You and your war for profit crowd are no longer welcome ...

Supporting documents for US visa application?

hi, the US embassy in manila may request us some evidence of ties to the philippines. these are may or may not be requested but still we have to prepare them, INCOME TAX RETURN (BIR) FORM, WEDDING PICTURES, LAND TITLES to name a few. but mentioned are PHOTOCOPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED, UNLESS SPECIFIED, ANY DOCUMENTS RECEIVED WILL NOT BE RETURNED AND WILL BE DESTROYED. what kind of documents that will not be returned and be destroyed? are the important supporting documents such as wedding pictures, titles etc be borrowed only by the consul during the interview?

I don't know how to ask this without being rude, but I'm curious?

The guy really should ask the female hes with. I told my boyfriend clitoral stimulation drives me wild and now he'll do it for me which is amazing. That being said, part of great sex is effective communication.

Is this a federal offense?

i am 21 and stay with my boyfriend for 99% of the time. my mail is still sent home, but for the last few months i haven't been receiving a bill for school and thought it was a bit suspicious. a week ago i was asked by the financial director why i haven't been paying my payments and i told them i assumed i was caught up due to not recieving billing. today, i found the last 4 months of my bills in a dresser drawer of my mothers opened and put together, along with my loan statements, and a photocopy of a check issued in my name as my state tax return, but i never recieved this? what can i do about this, it's getting out of hand at this point i could have been terminated from school.

Would i make a good psychologist?

i always tend to find out whats wrong with a person if they're sad or mad and try to help the best i can. i even helped my friend i met last school year. she told me i changed her ife around and helped her with her relationships. and girl even started calling me black dr. phil O.O

Immigration desk at Heathrow airport ?

i am going to london . when i will pass through immigration desk, i have to show them my passport, visa and 'other documents' like bank statement, i.t. returns etc. is it necessary to show the originals of these 'other documents' or i can show photocopy of each.

Could a photocopy of a Social Security Card work just as well as the actual copy?

Somehow I managed to throw away my folder with a one copy of my birth certificate and my social security card. I know it is pretty clumsy of me, but I was wondering if a photocopy of the card that I made awhile back would work just as well? Basically, should I go through the hoops and get a new one, or is the photocopy of it good enough? Thanks in advance.

How to fix a snare on my bass guitar?

i have a bass guitar that tends to have a snare or vibration when i hit the two high stings between the 4th and 5th fret. the wire or bar is sticking out and really effects the sound quality with a flat vibration. any tips?

Pokemon Heartgold question?

well no its not cheating on your pokewalker your training your pokemon up plus it wont effect your Pokemon's stats ever well you should just have a certain time not to use your pokewalker so much

What sign/placements tend to attract obsessive people?

Good question. If we were dealing with a native having obsessive tendencies, I'd say something dealing with Pluto, the eighth house, or Scorpio, but we're dealing with one who attracts obsessive people. Therefore, I'd say something touching on Neptune. Perhaps a Neptune placement in the eighth house opposing Venus?

Do you think that Islam should be allowed to proliferate in non-Islamic Countries?

Ok some simple maths for the sheeple who cannot count, on average a Muslim woman will live birth 3.6 children during her lifetime, a non-muslim woman has on average 1.5, so it does not take a rocket scientist to see that in a few decades (maybe in our life time) we will be outnumbered by these parasites, they have no place in Western democracy

He was saying he wanted to get together but now acts mad at me?

Normally when a guy pushes you off like that, it means he isn't interested in you. It may also be a way to get you more interested in him. It's a kind of reverse psychology and has been studied recently. You could try surfing the web about it it's pretty interesting.

Buying Tickets From StubHub.?

Hello I just bought tickets from stubhub and I have two questions. Firstly do concert venues accept photocopied tickets in place of a normal ticket. Stubhub uses third parties that sell the tickets so I want to make sure that my tickets are legitimate. Secondly is there anyway for me to call the venue and request that they do not give em replacements so I am not screwed out of tickets? Thirdly can you please give me any other general knowledge with bought tickets from third parties. Thanks!

Christians and skeptics: What did St. Gregory mean by this?

i'm not catholic and i've never heard of saint gregory, however, if he said what you posted, he sounds like an untrustworthy scumbag to me.


In the application for the student finance (I am italian) there is written that I should bring a copy of a document and make sure that it signed by a officer, doctor, lawyer, pastor/priest,.. Which document should I bring ?? A photocopy of my id ?? Or a photocopy of my passport ?? And what should they do ?? Just sign it, or write a letter ?? Thanks.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I feel lost and confused?

WTF !! i mean if you really like him then you should probably let him know how you feel on the other hand you have to tell your bf what happened before everyone thinks your a slut!

Did I do the right thing in the case of this creepy guy at work? Do you think he was joking?

I'm 24/female and there is an executive (60 year old male; tall, big and imposing) in the company I work for who is always approaching me and generally transmitting a creepy vibe. I didn't think much of it, as you can't do much about someone who's creepy unless they send a clear signal that they've done something wrong. Well, he came by my desk the other day and said, "where were you when I passed by your house on Saturday?" I was so shocked, all I could think of to say was "I don't know... out?" And he said whatever, it was in the morning, I had to have been there. He also put his hand on my head while he told me all this. Keep in mind I've never told him my address (and btw I live at the end of a dead end street, so he wouldn't have a good reason to pass by), but he has access to it through the company. He had made previous comments about coming by my house, but this time, he seemed really serious and creepy. I feared for my safety and reported it to my supervisor and HR just to be on the safe side. Was this the correct thing to do?

Democracy is being sacrificed by the military in Algeria. Why has'nt the UN intervened?

The Islamic party was winning the general election in Algeria and they were on the verge of gaining political power when the military took over and imposed dictatorial rule. Analysts believe that the military was and is supported by NATO. Democracy was and is dead for almost two decades. The peoples are suffering. Why are all these, could it be just because of Islam?

What is Obama and the Democrats trying to do ?

What's the point of asking a question if you're not going to be open minded nor care about what anyone else says.

What do you think of this news story?

its kinda funny, a guy sniffing at girl's armpit. lol like how often did we hear about this fetish right? especially a muslim pervert. never had this in mind. this is an extreme sex addiction maybe because he loves watching porn and masturebates. its good if its "under control"..but once it gets wild, it becomes like mohamed's case. i prefer treating him rather than giving him 18 lashes..its not practical. at least he didnt rape or murder.

What is proper punishment for police officers who commit crime on duty?

The normal punishment for whatever the crime was, plus ten years for violating the public trust. I don't only apply that to police. I apply that to anybody who is paid with taxpayer money.

Let's discuss the three economic justifications for government regulation.?

List and discuss the three economic justifications for government regulation. If one of these exists, does that mean that regulation should be imposed?

Why can't atheists create living artificial cells from scratch like God?

Scientists can. It has been done many times. Many years ago. Even self-replicating ones. See all of the responses above.

My mom and I don't have a good relationship... help? :\?

So, a few weeks ago I didn't go to my graduation due to the fact that I've been missing graduation practice. My mom called the school and supposedly they said I could not attend which I don't believe. I've tried telling my mom that I could still go but she wouldn't listen to me and starts blaming me and telling me it's my fault she lost the money she paid for it and on top of that she makes me call my aunts, uncles and other family members and tell them which I have no problem doing but the thing is my mom tends to switch the story around and lie to them. Anyway after graduation I find out from my best friend that I was able to attend the graduation even though I didn't go to the practice which made me really mad 'cause I told my mom that I could still go. I was pretty upset that I couldn't go and cried when I found out. I mean come on I couldn't go to my graduation. Well it was pretty much forgotten about until earlier today I heard her yelling about it and blaming me. Besides this incident she also blames for other things that goes wrong in her life. I don't know what to do she makes me feel like she doesn't want me as a daughter.. I really wanna talk to her about how I feel but my mom is not the easiest person to talk to. She's always yelling and it makes me not want to talk to her about anything and it really scares me because I wanna be able to talk about things with my mom without her freaking out on me and blaming me. How should I approach her about how I feel?

What should I do- missed court?

Well your in trouble, usually they will arrest you immediately if you fail to show up to your court date, sorry's not gonna cut it!

Why do some people not accept Bible evidence even after asking for it.?

When people mock that Christ never lived, many arrogantly ask for evidence. So people with historic knowledge go beyond His 1st century followers who wrote of Him and died for the truths which they witnessed, and direct them to Tacticus and the 1st century Roman Jewish historian Josephus. Yet it changes nothing for them because they will not accept any evidence. Earlier, I wrote of the Dead Sea scroll of Isaiah (Greater Q scroll) which was proven to be written before 100 BCE, for those who claim all prophecy was written after the fact. Photocopies of the entire text can be found all over the net- in it's entirety, and the originals (still in existence since the 1970's discovery) have been thoroughly examined by scholars to declare their originality and origin. Nevertheless, someone so very angry against this truth wrote it was partial, not legible, and implied church fraud- that people can say they say anything. Wow! I've read them and they are very clear and available for anyone who has more interest in truth than stubborn bias.

Am I wrong? If so, why?

YOU ARE ALWAYS RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS. how you behave is always down to you. you always have a choice.

Uptu 2011 counseling........urgent!!!!!.… help?

ii am a general category candidate with 7166 rank in uptu 2011.....ii have my document verification on tomorrow.....pz tell the documents to be taken there?? AND ALSO.....WE HAVE TO TAKE ATTESTED PHOTOCOPIES OF DOCUMENTS....PZZ TELL WHO HAS TO ATTEST THESE DOCUMENTS??......pzzz help...!!

Hypothetical situation the year is 1976 and socialists have seized control of Mexico via a bloody revolution?

two socialist factions are in a struggle for power the more authoritarian and radical revolutionary socialist party seeks to impose a single party state and seize land from the people and force state socialism on them the other party the more liberal and moderate evolutionary socialist party seeks to impose a multiparty democracy and seeks to promote socialism through democratic means which one does the USA support

Uk Tourist Visa invitation letter Information?

if i send a letter to peru to invite someone to the uk , but they will not be staying with me. will sending just the letter and a photocopy of my passport be all i need to send ? please let me know as no websites state anything clearly thanks in advance

What is wrong with this sentence? And why? ?

If the company would have bought more energy credits, it would not have had to pay the record fines just imposed for polluting the environment.

How can the justice dept. sue for asking for too much documentation before hiring?

I think problem is asking for additionaI papers outside of what the fed law said to ask for. If they just stick to the papers that they are suppose to ask for there shouldn't be any problem because they can always argue that they are just asking for the papers they are being told to ask for.

He is in debt and no way to come out.. Is there any way i can help him out? pls help..?

It is absolutely necessary for you to let him get out of this situation on his own. He knew that he couldn't afford this car and he agreed to do this anyway. If you bail him out, you will always be bailing him out. Also, I'm very suspicious of the fact that he tells you that he wants to kill himself and then wont answer the phone when you call. I think he is manipulating you into helping him financially. His family has known him a long time and they aren't helping him for a reason. He can give the car back. All of this doesn't make sense because no one buys anyone a car and then expects money back and no one accepts such a deal. Honestly, I think he is lying to you and I hope that you believe me. Tells others, friends, of this situation and see what their advice is. I suspect your friends will tell you not to trust this. I suspect that if you give him money, you will never see your money again.

How long will my Ipod Touch 2nd Gen last just playing music?

Tomorrow I'm going to Austria with school, I was wondering how long my Ipod Touch 2nd Gen will last just playing music at full battery, The journey to Austria is about 26Hours although when we are sleeping on the bus i don't tend to have my earphones in

What do you think about restaurant sign 'No speak English no service' sign leads to restaurant's sales TRIPLE?

I don't know why folks would want to go to a restaurant where they don't speak English and don't have service. But, it's nice that at least they tell their customers that up front.

Is this the mark of the beast?

The "USA" is a corpse that has been dead for quite some time. What now exists is united states incorporated. "Come out of her my people so you will not share in her sins".

What should I do about my mom controlling me!!?

ur friend and ur mum both love u and thats y u need to do justice to both the relations. the best option here is make ur mum sit with u. make sure ur friend or anyone else is not around. talk to her and say that what will she get if she turns an innocent girl out of the house who has nowhere to go. what if someday something really bad happens to ur friend after ur mum sends her way. make her understand that her rash decision would end in ruining some girl's life who was not involved at all then y is she being punished. ask her that will she ever b able to look at her ownself after punishing some girl who had already struck bad luck in the form of her mother's death. just talk to her that she would not get anything after blackmailing u. say that u can only improve when the pressure of a constant tension of ur friend being driven out of ur house will b realsed. try not to argue with her but have a talk so that the main topic of discuusion does not get sacrificed to ur anger and arguement. try it. all the best

How to revert back to yahoo classic mail?

Our office system will allow us to use Internet Explorer7 . However, since I was able to click on the yahoo mail, can i revert back to the yahoo classic as it was available as an option before. If not, why does yahoo imposes what IE version the new yahoo mail should work?


In the application for the student finance (I am italian) there is written that I should bring a copy of a document and make sure that it signed by a officer, doctor, lawyer, pastor/priest,.. Which document should I bring ?? A photocopy of my id ?? Or a photocopy of my passport ?? And what should they do ?? Just sign it, or write a letter ?? Thanks.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Can one start a class action lawsuit against the IRS for unlawful or unethical practices?

My issue is not what the IRS does but how the IRS does it. Corporate and private businesses as well as service providers are expected to follow a certain level of ethics, values or procedures. And, their practices are expected to be honest and above board, without lying, or intentionally providing false information or interpretation of laws or legal contracts. Why is the IRS NOT held to the same level of standard as any other U.S business?!!! I propose starting a class action lawsuit to impose a CODE OF ETHICS and standard business practices/procedures that the IRS MUST adhere to. The same as any doctor, lawyer, therapist, teacher, private or corporate business (for the most part). What are your thoughts?

Southeastern ticket fine appeal, help!?

I have a southeastern season ticket, the other day i got on the train got to my stop and they were checking tickets. I reached in my bag and realized i had left my season ticket at home. I explained this to the ticket collector person and he gave me a penalty fare notice, he said i should appeal and send a photocopy of my ticket with the appeal. However i don't have a clue what to include in my appeal letter and any help would be great.

Why do Humans refuse to admit that they are just a failed product of evolution?

It's just so frustrating as hell how Humans persistently refuse to loathe themselves and admit that they are just inferior products of evolution since they have such unimpressively frail bodies that are too physically inadequate for them to survive in a healthy natural environment without resorting to using their unnaturally bloated brains to survive by inventing all sorts of fancy technology that destroys Nature, plus they have only been around for such a short amount of time while other animals such as the Dinosaurs have been around far longer and also evolved much more physically imposing bodies.

Anyone noticed that in blockbuster hits aimed for men the main hero doesn't get the girl or gets barely a kiss?

Okay, now list off the examples of blockbuster movies where this is not true, and then realize that you don't have a point.

How do I take notes for my research paper?

I agree with Phil, but just a personal preference for me is to not write whole sentences in the bullets, just short phrases work for me.

Sheet music for Mozart's Rondo in G major?

Have you tried Google? a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Can a photocopy of an i.d such as a passport be used as proof of i.d?

I think yes, a photocopy of an i.d such as passport can be used as a proof because a valid i.d such as passport or other valid documents can be used as photocopy because it is risky to carry all day if itis lost.

Can some please briefly translate this arabic song ( Hany Shaker - Khiyanit Sadi2)?

A man that i loved and he loved me ages ago sent me this song recently on facebook via link knowing full well that i didnt understand it he tends to show his emotions through songs so could some one please translate the song for me ? thanks

I got caught shoplifting at walmart?

okay so i got caught shoplifting a powder brush and lip gloss. really no big thing they probably cost like $5 each. so anyways im already outside of walmart waiting for my mother to go pass the lady who checks the bags, when a lady comes up to saying she needs to see the things ive stolen and blah blah they take me to the back with my mom and start asking me things. they asked how old i was i said in a low voice 17, she apparantly heard me because she said okay so youre underage. i am actually 19. But my mother didnt hear me say that she was too preoccupied saying please dont call the police i can even pay for the items right now etc. anyways they took my mother's i.d. and photocopied it and the lady looked through my things and took the brush and lip gloss. almost took another lip gloss which was actually mine i was arguing for it until she let it go. She then told my mother that a letter will come to us saying the fine that i need to pay. She also had me fill out this paper just about my DOB and other things now for the phone number i put my old cellphone number and without an area code just to **** with her because she was a ***** (when i looked through my things she broke my mirror -.- ) okay now i dont need the lecture i know stealing is wrong and i learned my lesson. now what i need to know if they can find out that i wasnt underaged and they can put this in my record? and possibly how much i could be fined for 2 $5 items?

I feel lost and confused?

you love him. he obviously loves you too... why hurt each other anymore, finish your boyfriend, get him to finish his girlfriend and get back together, your made for each toehr. you know when its right. and it sounds like its right. good luck x

Anyone agree that imposement of modern race/cultures/etc with past ones is a dangerous distortion of history?

Your thoughts on how cultures and people change over the centuries is interesting. Ancient European culture was pretty well scrambled by the Germanic invasions of the late Roman era, and every country you mention, France, Italy, and England in particular, were drastically changed by the cultural influence of the German invaders. Ancient cultural traits can be recognized in every one of these countries, but each is a conglomeration of mixed cultures in today’s world. But it is not valid to put too much emphasis on past glory or failures. We are today what we make of ourselves.

Is it bad if someone sees your drivers license?

Some drivers license numbers are actually your social security number (some states do this). Only in that case would I be concerned.

Where can I find cheap "logo hats" online?

I love old hats that have logo's on them, such as my Mobil hat, and my Budwiser hat... Where can i find these online cheap? I normally find them at garage sales, but they tend to be few and far between... any help would be great, Thanks!

A little knocking!!!!knocking scares me!!!!?

I have a 2001 ford zx2 101,000 miles,the needle tends to wonder to the hot side,and the antifreeze will boil a little from time to time I can actually see it bubble,and the last couple of days I have been hearing a faint knocking sound that goes in and out randomly when I accelerate it does not do it all the time but it worries me,and the car has such a rough idle, I just got a oil change they said i was a quart under,I got a coolant flush,radiator cap replaced.its still knocking the last time my engine did that it got worst and I had to have my engine replaced (another car)some said fill it with high octane gas,really its only a ford,plz mechanic or anyone that knows about cars!!!!

What causes the nausea in fat burner/energy pills?

I don't need to lose weight really, I just like the convenience of a pill instead of energy shot and it's too hot for coffee. BUT the few I have taken tend to make me nauseated and sweaty.

Is Obama intentionally sabatoging our economy by imposing more costs on businesses to hire employees?

You got it backwards. 2 days ago the Cons voted down a payroll tax holiday for small businesses to stimulate hiring. Sorry. Dont watch Fox.

How does my giving money to Candidate A restrict your right to give money to Candidate B?

It’s just another ridiculous Supreme Court decision based on, as you point out, twisted logic. There is no reasonable way to defend it. I think it is obvious that the conservatives on the Supreme Court are trying their best to facilitate a corporate-dominated election process and possibly such a society.

Should I do it or not?

So I want to get a belly piercing done but im not sure if I should. I'm Indian and have loads of parties to go to ESP that it's summer now. I wear saree's and I don't really want my relatives to know that I have a belly piercing. I am 5'3 tall and weigh 7 stones. Im a healthy size 6 and surprisingly have been told I have curves I exercise regularly so my stomach is pretty tones and I never tend to put on weight due to my metabolism. Should I consider getting it done?

My ex tells lies to judge?

i am in court for custody of my 2 girls she has failed drugs and alcahol test and i passed even though she told the judge i was takeing them. when at court today the judge said i would not get unsupervised contact becuase she now says i need to see a physcietrist. what next how meny cards are some of these women allowed to play only seen them 6 times since oct/10 and i have 2 daughters with my ex wife whos been remarried 8years have no problems with her or them. when i say there older sisters need to see them im told by the court.? we should deal with younger ones first! yet in court today my ex girlfrind is allowed to bring a photocopy of my 13year old daughters facebook page and comments she has made eventhough they are for family.i.e bloked. ? she hacked my daughters a/c. and this was presented as everdence ? i will now have to see my younger girls in contact center till aughust and my older girls will not see there sisters for another 3 months .all 4 of my daughters had no contact with each outher since october 10 now.and this judge is supposed to be thinking of the children ? what a load of rubbish to meny people makeing to much money thats empowerment.......$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Do you think President Obama cares about all workers the same.....?

The NLRB has no authority. This is the stuff that will get Obama impeached if he doesn't watch out.

Marshall law in america?

if marshall law was imposed on society.....would you physically fight the government? (cops/ any other type of officer)

Can a man answer me this?(or a woman?

I am a South American language teacher who is in a relationship for a long time and who divorced many yearsago from her first husband. I have worked in the UK for 10 years and I have had lovely moments but every time I go for an interview(especially thru and agency) or when I am at school, some men invite me to go out or look at me in a seductiv way. I dress and behave like a nun my upbringing is Catholic and I was born in a very patriarcal society but it seems to me that some people think that Latinas are teaser and provoque men this is hard for me because I am in a serious relation with my Italian fiance and Im tired of behaving so strict even wearing a married ring to prevent the fact that if you ask a man a question(a photocopy or a papaer at school) he might think Im chasing him,Im not feminist, I love my partner, at all but i suffer because of that Im divorced and its even worse there are many divorced women around. I would like a good point of view. Thanks.

What's the consensus on the Republicans Wanting to End Medicare?

To destroy government and control the lives of their senior and disabled relatives they don't care about you see their public socialism and private socialism republicans are private socialists who care about wall street democrats are public socialists who care about main street and the TEA party are anti-socialists killing government and privatizing life is the goal for all republicans and they don't care about the people they care about money voters failed to look at the facts.

Is an unsigned .PDF contract legal?

I'd wanna see the pdf first. Just to make sure what you agreed on is correct. Also, the landlord can't tamper with the PDF it's illegal - i'm sure you could tell your own signature & know for sure you signed it or not :)

Which internship should I choose?

Hi, I have recently finished my degree. I am working on my summer internship for DOT, unpaid, while the Department of Design and Construction offered a paid one for $12 per hour. My only struggle between the decisions are, for the unpaid one (DOT), I actually get a chance to go to the job site to learn about construction process since my degree is in construction management, and this will be very helpful. For department of design and construction, I remembered the interviewer told me I will be only doing photocopy, and data entry, which I will learn nothing. However, DOT has told me they are experiencing hiring freeze, so they are not going to be hiring. I am not sure if it will be the same thing for DDC. So anyone has real life experience could give me some advise? I'd appreciate it. Thanks!!

A question about super-imposing?

I couldn't see the image, but it seems what you pretend is putting something inside a shoe, as if waiting for a present in Christmas. You can photoshop it

Fourth pitch in MLB 2k11?

I'm in "My Player" mode, and my player is a closer. My current pitches are a splitter, a slider, and a fastball. I don't want a change up because I tend to use my splitter as an off speed pitch. Also, give me what your favorite pitch combos are

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Laptop dies when unplugged?

It means that you've totally screwed the battery. Unless you order a new one, your laptop will not work unless plugged in.

How does an ugly girl survive in this shallow materialistic society?

ugly guys have it easier for some reason, people tend to look more down on ugly girls, how do they survive? it must be pretty brutal to be a not so nice looking girl, especially with the high standards for girls to look perfect by both genders or they will be considered an outcast/reject. lm a guy by the way and treat them nicely but l dont like the way my friends treat them sometimes, how do some of them make it living through rejection and people looking down on them all the time?

.........................My scanner's program?

yes you just need to update your drivers, Google to find "DGTsoft Drivers Update Utility", it can scan and find the missing drivers and then install the right ones automatically, hope this helps

How to get tan, when you are very pale?

I'm very pale, and I tend to burn.. but I really want to get a good tan outside not in the tanning beds.. What is the best way to do this? or some good products to use before I go out to help tan faster? thanks so much!

X rays in pregnancy? ????????

I did an x ray for my pelivic (photocopy) and 10 days later I found out tht I m pregnant. Its just the very beginning of my pregnancy. Will tht effect my baby?? Too scared!

Can somebody help me please?

Only a nerd would try to entice people with worthless "bonus questions" I didn't read past the first paragraph, but you should keep your nerdy friends, and also find some more cooler fun loving friends. Sometimes I enjoy hanging out alone at homes, it's called down time.

Is it legal for me to charge a fee for dictating or transcribing a specific text?

Say someone wanted their copy of harry potter in the form of an EBOOK but didn't want to spend the time typing it up. Can I charge them a fee to perform that service for them? Technically it's no different than if they wanted to photocopy their version cause it was falling apart. They are just paying me to do the photocopying for them. Clarification please!

Can my dentist retain my original x-rays?

I requested original images of my x-rays from my dentist and they sent me a photocopy. I sent him a letter (for the second time) requesting original images, he said if i wanted them i would have to pay $14.00. I sent him a check and all I got was another photocopy. Can he do that? What should I do?

Overcharged by a business and receiving payment back in installments?

Long story short but a gym continued to charge my bank account for an annual membership after it had already been paid off. After proving that I had been overcharged $400 they agreed to pay it back in weekly/bi-weekly cash installments of $100. They said that it had to be in installments so it doesn't look suspicious to their bank. Is this normal and what kind of penalty would be imposed on them by their bank if they paid me back the full amount at once?

Will stalling out in first by "slipping the clutch' 3 or 4 times cause any serious damage?

..and if so what is getting damaged? Also, I tend to shift 'smoothly' but occasionally the car 'jerks' a little nothing severe, but you can just tell it wasn't a clean shift..will this damage anything if I have an occasional bad shift?

Should Obama waited for recovery before imposing higher energy costs & forcing employers to provide healthcare?

Yes he should of , but he waits on nothing when it comes to force feeding his agenda down our throats, and he certainly does not care about the economy as he has been actively destroying it

Is it normal to have side feelings when already in a relation ?

ive been in a serious relation with my bf for the past four years and we are looking forward to marriage in the coming four to five years .... He is a very loving decent person and extremely faithful .... The problem is that faithfullness doesnt come so easy from my side, i have to make efforts to remain emotionally committed ... The problem is that he isnt very attractive and is too decently boring, me on the other hand tend to attract a lot of guys, we become friends, text or chat sometimes and they easily start falling for me, as in i dont meet them and all, am kinda reserved in person but they sometimes look upto me when they are sad or lonely, i act friendly and they start saying ''i love you'' within a few months of knowing me and there comes the end of our friendship ... The thing is even i tend to get emotionally attached when our friendship has been a long one, i feel love and affection for them but have to subdue such feelings and just let go of my temporary infatuation ... It has happened about four or five times in the past two years and ive really begun to doubt mt integrity as a person now... I feel like a player for making them fall for me but at the end of it all, i confess to my guy, he takes me back and i suffer days of killing guilt ...i wish it would not happen ever ... Easily

Can you understand this Piano sheet music as it has more beats than the key signiture ?

This sheet music which I have photocopied to, has an extra beat in the measures, does anyone know why this is and how to play it on the piano ?

What does it mean by a "photocopy of your driver's license"?

I am filling out a passport application for the first time and it asks me to make a photocopy of my driver's license. Does it simply just ask that i take it to a copier and copy it, or must i have it copied in a specific manor? i understand that i must photocopy the back and front, but i am unsure of the process in how I am to get it done.

What do Native Americans tend to wear?

I am studying the Native American cultures for my current textiles subject and would like know what to base my samples on such as feathers, beads etc, I just want to know their traditions and what they used to wear.

Muhamad married Aisha when he was 55 and she was 6? was that normal practise?

Some are saying that was the norm in Arabia, my question why we haven't heard any similiar case in history? it seems like that was not normal practise and he used his power and influence to impose this erratic marriage? any thoughts? any founded evidence from references?

Is it bad that I don't want to hang out with my friend because....?

...When he hangs out with his friend girls he let's them drag him around and they tend to be immature. Even if we have to do something or go somewhere he will just sit there and let them play around with him and he just says "Okay" or "I can't right now" with a smile on his face. Me or my other buddies will have to actually yell at his face until he gets up and then he gets mad at us.

Do some employers here really require proof of residency? Our tenant is saying that her son needs one so she's?

Do some employers here really require proof of residency? Our tenant is saying that her son needs one so she's asking my mother to provide her photocopy of her ID and a signed letter proving that they are indeed residing in our place. I'm thinking that a Residence Certificate from barangay would be enough. I'm only afraid they might use it for something else. Thanks for anyone who could help..

Please I have a sleeping problem, and i want to change it?

I tend to sleep real late at night like at 6 A.M and not wake up until 3 P.M and it is really frustrating me. i want to be able to wake up in the morning and not miss half the day. I've tried for a week to try and change it but no success. is there a way i can change my bio clock to wait up in the morning (don't care what time in the morning) and sleep like around 10 or 11 P.M? Mature answers please. thank you:)

'10 years of boom; 10 years of gloom.' how valid is this assessment of the period between the two world wars?

Simply because the 20s were known as the "Roaring Twenties" due to the economic boom in the US which ended with the Wall street crash in 1929 and then 10 years of gloom until the begining of WW2 in 1939 ended the great depression and the USA began getting the unemployed into the factories making weapons (Roosevelts "New Deal") for foreign countries such as the UK and the USSR , Also known as Lend Lease.

For A loan Pre approval I need the past 2 years taxes. Should I photocopy them or do they need the originals?

photocopies only, no need for you to send them the originals. The lender will also process a 4506(T) to confirm the numbers on your taxes. You only need to provide the Federal Returns, with all schedules.

Is it any of my ex's business what my parents and I do?

He has no right to tell you to sell it. At this point it isn't even your car to sell. This has nothing at all to do with him...he is just saying this out of anger. Ignore him.

Is it possible for people that go to private schools in the U.K to not go to chapel or church?

you could probably get out of it by officially becoming a satanist (jk) but seriously I agree with you it's a waste of time

What are these light patches on my skin....?

i am asking again seeing as my skin condition cant be vitiligo or tinea versicolor because it looks absolutely nothing like those other conditions, i have very small and very round white spots all across my body, i have worried about it being vitiligo but when i compare myself to pictures on google, they dont look alike, vitiligo tends to be large wavy ripped like edged patches which spread quite quickly where as mine have stayed the same size, shape i think they might tan too, i am mixed race (half ghanaian, half english) and i tan very easily and when i do i tend to go a bronze like colour and im not tottally sure but i believe that the spots get darker with my skin, do i have skin cancer? do i have a fungus from using the same towel more than once? i really need answers, also sometimes its as if my skin is sort of changing, sometimes in the day the spots on my arms arent noticealbe at all, right now as i write this i can hardly see them, im scared :/

How can I meet Stewart Copeland from The Police?

He lives in LA. I know someone who used to work for him as an assistant. I think the Police went on tour a few years ago.... I know he hates

Marshall law in america?

if marshall law was imposed on society.....would you physically fight the government? (cops/ any other type of officer)

Section 237 of the Immigration Act - USA?

There are plenty of ways to get deported on a green card, thats just one of them. You can be deported for things that wouldnt get you jail time.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Have you used mazuma mobile...are they a scam?

I don't know about that side of things but I know they don't give you the amount of money your things value at.

What happens in NYC when your local dentist dont ask you for your ID or insurance card and someone else use it?

I went to my dentist and I forgot to bring my wallet with me but they didn't care really and told me to bring it next time, they made me filled the normal paperwork using my ssn and to sign of course. few months later I go and ask for my medical records since I kinda felt a suspicious activity going on with a "roommate" since she heard that they didn't asked me for paperwork she decided to give it a try and to ask for a regular cleaning but I thought that was impossible, anyways I left on a trip by that time and when I came back she actually told me that her plan worked and she also act thankful to me, so ok, I went to see my medical records and it actually shows one more extra thing besides that cleaning that she said she did and by this time I dont live with her anymore, why the medical office allowed her to used my name without my notice, they never photocopy my paperwork, no nothing... I wonder what could I do? is there any legal action against the company? or should I leave everything like that... mmm... lucky me she didnt leave me any medical debt.. oh and by the way this insurance was from the goverment medicare of nyc, any ideas?

Do arbitrators have power to impose sanctions?

In an arbitration proceedings, do the arbitrators possess powers to impose sanctions on either party who did not make an appearance during the proceedings?

Do you agree with what Romney said? That freedom requires religion?

I think that quote (from 2007) is way over the line. Freedom requires religion about as much as republicans require Barack Obama. Religion is the total opposite of freedom; that's the deal! Your faith means you give up your freedom. You are to submit and obey and not to ask questions with the threat of hell forever lingering over your head. Everything you do is potentially a sin. Religion is currently the reason why state senators in New York are wondering if they can pass a gay marriage law. If America is truly the land of the free, then no one would be imposing their religion as a reason to say no to somebody else. So why exactly does freedom require religion?

Photocopying. Quick Copy recently charged 49¢ per page for color copies and 7¢ per page for black-and-white co?

Photocopying. Quick Copy recently charged 49¢ per page for color copies and 7¢ per page for black-and-white copies. If Shirlee’s bill for 90 copies was $11.34, how many copies of each type were made?

What use are housewives, if any?

The world has been witness to what happens when the "housewife" is denigrated this way. As with anything,there has to be a balance. Not every woman is meant to be a mother and not every woman is meant to be in the workplace. The media,especially people like Gloria Steinem made getting out of the house sound so wonderful. She had to make being a mother and a housewife sound like menial work. If she had ever actually tried it,she would have failed and I think she knows that. How about letting all women decide for themselves without having to be bombarded with a load of propaganda? We can handle it.

Gtx 560 ti Overheating way to fast?

I went out and bought a GTX 560 ti graphics card. installed it into my computer. its been roughly 3-4 months now and i havnt had ANY problems with it. ( Minus the headache of getting it installed at first) And now for absolutely no reason it tends to overheat in a matter of minutes or even seconds. games i used to be able to run for HOURS like Battleforge, Team fortress 2, Black prophecy now all crash my card within a matter of 1-2 minutes. i havnt changed a single thing. i keep the room temp down. i have the case off the side of my computer. iv already took the card out and throughly cleaned it. i put my hand on the bottom of it. ran tf2 within a minute it was super super warm. both of the fans on the top of it are working. they have plenty of space between them and the psu. a good 2-3 inches more than enough. but none of this seems to work. iv tried using google to find out an answer but i cant seem to find any. so here i am on yahoo answers >.< Any help would be appreciated

Does Wladimir Klitschko lacks the heart and killer instinct when he is in a toe to toe battle?

Remember what happened when Corrie Sanders and Lamon Brewster decided to impose their will on Vladimir Klitschko.

Would it be legal/enforceable to impose a late fee or interest if the government does not pay you on time?

Although morally and logically just, it is not legal or enforceable. You really think the government that steals from every one of it's working citizens every single day would be fair about something like this?

Am I in legal trouble or will this stay within the school?

You're a counterfeiter. Congratulations, I'm sure your mother must be very proud of you. You are in deep legal trouble. You've been stealing services and committing fraud. I imagine that you're going to have to pay a fine of a great deal more than what you used counterfeit tickets for. That's how it generally works, if you defraud someone, the fine is much more than repayment. You're probably looking at some community service or even jail time, too. This is a serious crime.

Should I get a thoroughbred??? Opinions please!!?

That's such a tempting situation, but you've definitely got valid concerns... Personally, I'd be most worried about a sudden emergency. If your parents wouldn't help out, and you don't have a bunch of money stashed away, you would be stuck in a really bad situation. Have you taken the cost of grain and hay into account too? If you don't already have one, you'd probably want to get a job for the vet, farrier, feed, potential board if you chose the $40-60 a month (what a find, closest barn to me is $1,000), and even save up for potential emergency vet bills... Then a job, school, and regular horse duties seems like a LOT to handle. It's definitely tempting, and maybe you are an amazingly disciplined person with great time management skills, but from an outside view that seems like a pretty challenging situation.