Thursday, July 14, 2011

My mom and I don't have a good relationship... help? :\?

So, a few weeks ago I didn't go to my graduation due to the fact that I've been missing graduation practice. My mom called the school and supposedly they said I could not attend which I don't believe. I've tried telling my mom that I could still go but she wouldn't listen to me and starts blaming me and telling me it's my fault she lost the money she paid for it and on top of that she makes me call my aunts, uncles and other family members and tell them which I have no problem doing but the thing is my mom tends to switch the story around and lie to them. Anyway after graduation I find out from my best friend that I was able to attend the graduation even though I didn't go to the practice which made me really mad 'cause I told my mom that I could still go. I was pretty upset that I couldn't go and cried when I found out. I mean come on I couldn't go to my graduation. Well it was pretty much forgotten about until earlier today I heard her yelling about it and blaming me. Besides this incident she also blames for other things that goes wrong in her life. I don't know what to do she makes me feel like she doesn't want me as a daughter.. I really wanna talk to her about how I feel but my mom is not the easiest person to talk to. She's always yelling and it makes me not want to talk to her about anything and it really scares me because I wanna be able to talk about things with my mom without her freaking out on me and blaming me. How should I approach her about how I feel?

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