Monday, July 18, 2011

Can I unlock an AMD Phenom II x 2 555be on a 95w motherboard and get full performance?

I have same board and same processor , the maximun Watts that this board can support is 95 Watts the processor with all 4 cores running will run max at 80 Watts, the processor model you can use max is 1065T Phenom II X 6 2.9 Ghz which runs max 95 Watts , anything above that you will need to change the board. you can overclock at 5% and still stable , above that you need to change the bios setting to run asymetric , so the memory and the front side bus run at steady speed below the processor speed so is untied therefore independent of the processor speed , also other devices will limit how much you can overclock in stable matter , is not much speed gain so I considered not worth it to oveclock due to the fact that will get hotter , reducing the lifespan of the processor and a system unstable, 3.2 Ghz 4 cores in Optimum configuration is good enough, besides if you try to do video editing , encode or decode video overclocking it will hang, so is like taking a medication for one issue but it gives you about 10 side efects, you may want to try using two same capasity hard drives to use Raid 0 Striping , that will give you some performance but not redundancy if a drive fails you loose everything , I use Raid 5 with 3 drives which gives performance and redundancy , if a drive fails , I just replace it and rebuilt the array and continue as it was it gives me performance and redundancy , well I hope I have help you with the info.

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