Saturday, July 16, 2011

I need serious help.. please read?

ok im going to be stright with you here because i've been in a sort of similar situation. GET OUT! leave the guy. im sorry hun but hes toxic. and to the extream. this guy plays mind games with you and wants you to think that his love is the only love you'll ever have. its not so. Im sure a beautiful person such as urself will find someone better than him. it sounds to me like he convinced you to have thoes abortions because he knew he wasn't ready to be a daddy but was sure ready for sex! thing is he was never going to take responsability and help you along the way. and when ur whole family found out he knew he was in hot water so he lied and made it seem like YOU were the evil mastermind insted of HIM. my best advice is to go aginst what ur family says and be your own person. go to college, get ur degree for teaching and be sure to tell your dad who you are and your not someone he can push around. just because ur a woman doesn't mean your beneith him. good luck dear, i know its hard but life is too....we all try the best we can.

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