Friday, July 15, 2011

How can I gain more freedom as a 16 year old teen ?

I am a 16 year old girl (17 years next Feb). Tonight I am going to discuss with my mom about giving me more freedom. It's summer and i've barely been out. I've been stuck at home watching my sister. I would like to be able to go to the beach with my friends, or someones house. The only thing is, is that I only have a few girl-friends and they're either busy, don't have money, or on vacation. So the only people left are my guy friends (which I tend to have more of). But my parents don't let me go to a guys house and I can't afford to go to the movies or out to eat every time we hang out. I've never been to a party either and I'd like to experience it. I hate alcohol and drugs and I would never do that (and my parents know that) I feel that when I'm 18 that I am going to go wild and rebel and I don't want to do that. That's why I would like some freedom now. I want my parents to trust me, and that they have raised me well and I have a good head on my shoulders. I understand that they want to protect me and they don't trust other people but I still would like to go out. What are somethings I can ask for from my mom when I talk to her ? And what exactly is a curfew and what time should I be able to stay out? Sorry for it being so long but thanks so much ! <3

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